I've rarely been one to make new years resolutions with the exception of the one I made wherein I quick smoking, but this year I've decided to make another one that I plan to keep. I'm sure this has been done before, but I've decided to take at least one photograph per day in 2010. I do not, however, plan on posting every single photograph because taking 365 photographs that are worth showing to the word in a single year is an incredibly daunting task that I'd rather not let the internet hold me accountable for. The rules are simple for this resolution and are as follows:
1) No cell phone photographs. No webcam photographs either. This is the blogosphere, not myspace.
2) No doubling up on photographs, i.e.- "I'll take seven photographs today so I can take the week off, chuckle chuckle chuckle...". Get off the couch. History Channel will be there when you get back.
3) Work photographs do not count. These photos have to be on my own time.
4) No erotic self portraits. This should be self explanatory.
Other than that, it looks like I'll have at least 365 photos by the end of 2010 to look back and laugh at/with. To prove I'm taking this seriously, this is what was happening when the ball dropped on 2010.
Yes, I was at home watching my dogs maul my wife. Oh, and maybe I should limit the amount of pictures I take right before bed because "Oops I just remembered that I forgot to take a picture!", but that's for another year perhaps.
So goodnight 2009, you were alright, but my super badass new friend 2010 just showed up and he's a great dancer. We're going to party like its 11 years ago. So I'll see you in the funny papers.
Admirable resolution! Good luck!