Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Calm Between The Storms

So I wanted to have some sort of update before I left for Europe, but will be unable to. Mostly because I didn't shoot much over the past few weeks. I managed to do plenty of commercial work, but that isn't stuff you're interested in. Instead I'll simply promise to upload as many pictures of Europe when I get home, and leave you with a little picture of what I'll be leaving behind.
Oh, and if for whatever reason you're going to be in Europe in September Mouthbreather is going to be there on tour with German hardcore/punk powerhouse Zann. Stop by and say 'hello'.

01.09.2009 GER - Darmstadt/ Oettinger Villa
02.09.2009 A - Vienna / 3 raum bar
03.09.2009 GER - Nuernberg/ K4
04.09.2009 GER - Schweinfurt/ Trainspotting
05.09.2009 GER - Leipzig/ superkronik
06.09.2009 CZ - Prague/ schizophrenic
07.09.2009 CZ - Brno/ Yacht Club
08.09.2009 PL - Wraozlaw / wagon club
09.09.2009 PL - Warschau/ prolly fonia #
10.09.2009 GER - Berlin/ lokal
11.09.2009 GER - Muenster/ baracke
12.09.2009 GER - Duisburg / Light in the dark fest
13.09.2009 NL - Utrecht/ ACU (matinee w/ cloak & dagger)
14.09.2009 B - Gent/ Frontline (w/ cloak & dagger)
15.09.2009 GER - Muehlheim/ AZ (w/ fargo)
16.09.2009 GER - Koeln/ Limes
17.09.2009 DK - Kopenhagen / lades kaelder
18.09.2009 GER - Hamburg / rote flora
19.09.2009 NL - Groningen/ Vera
20.09.2009 GER - Aachen/ AZ *
21.09.2009 GER - Karlsruhe / cafe nancy * (w/ asshole parade)
22.09.2009 F *
23.09.2009 F *
24.09.2009 GER - Freiburg/ KTS * #
25.09.2009 GER - Muenchen / Kafe Kult *
26.09.2009 GER - Bielefeld / AZ *(w/ cloak & dagger)
27.09.2009 GER - Wolfsburg / OST * (w/ solem league)
28.09.2009 GER HELP
29.09.2009 GER - Dresden/ AZ conni
30.09.2009 GER - Giessen/ AK 44

* Ohne Zann
# mit Brandon Peck