This week I’ve unearthed a heap of slides and transparencies that I shot years ago. When I was in college I always used Ektachrome when shooting outside of class. I always loved the rich colors, and since I didn’t have time to print non-school work in the darkroom it gave me the ability to see the finished product of my photography and then say something like “I’ll get some prints made of these when I have a chance”.
So apparently by the giant stack of slide sheets I have in my desk drawer, I never got a chance to make any prints. But now that I have a scanner and a blog, I have a reason to live again! Behold the might that is my virtual blog slide show! It is almost like having to sit through a slide show of your family vacation, but in the comfort of your own home, and perhaps while totally naked.
These slides are just a smattering of the mess of transparencies in both 35mm and 120mm that I have lying around my office right now. Some I am saving for other updates, and others I probably will “get some prints made when I have a chance”.
The first two pictures are of a band called Takaru that played at the long defunct “House of Mosh” in Richmond VA. There was also a naked homeless man that showed up for part of their set, but I thought better than to scan in those pictures. I’m just not artsy enough for nude dudes.
The second picture is of my old roommate Cole on top of the thrift store that we lived next to. I have no idea what we were doing up there, and why he was wearing that horrible shirt, but I have a sinking suspicion that the shirt is mine, and I was up there specifically to take pictures of him wearing it.
The last two pictures are of a different roommate in the same house. This roommate went by “Chris Carroll” and these pictures were shot in a tiny room that was discovered off of his bedroom. Chris lived in the attic and noticed that there appeared to be a doorway that somebody had haphazardly dry walled over. Chris cut a 2 foot by 2 foot square in the wall and we both crawled in to discover, not rubies and gold, but insolation as far as the eye could see! Armed only with a flood lamp and serious apprehensions, we crawled along the rafters and climbed around before realizing that the room had probably been walled off for a good reason. I don’t think I ever went back in the room, but I’m almost positive that there is a short performance art piece involving a video of Chris being given birth to by a hole in the wall (the red paint symbolized angst).
Next week: pictures of me looking sad in my bathroom mirror.